Pro and Con
Pro and Con is a 1993 9-minute 16mm short animated film produced, directed and animated by Joanna Priestley and Joan C. Gratz using drawings on paper, pixillated hands and object animation. The "Pro" section of the film was written by Barbara Carnegie and Joanna Priestley and narrated by Lt. Janice Inman. The "Con" section was written by Jeff Green and narrated by Allen Nause. The sound was designed and produced by Lance Limbocker and Chel White with music by Chel White. Pro and Con was commissioned through the Metropolitan Arts Commission's Percent for Art Program in Multnomah County, Oregon.
More details
author | Barbara Carnegie Joanna Priestley |
director | Joanna Priestley |
editor | Joanna Priestley |
genre | animation |
musicBy | Chel White |
producer | Joan C. Gratz Joanna Priestley |
productionCompany | Priestley Motion Pictures |
publisher | Microcinema International |
theme | animated animated short short |