Oz is an American prison drama television series set at a fictional men's prison created and principally written by Tom Fontana. It was the first one-hour dramatic television series to be produced by the premium cable network HBO. Oz premiered on July 12, 1997, and ran for six seasons. The series finale aired on February 23, 2003.
In an experimental unit of the prison, unit manager Tim McManus emphasizes rehabilitation and learning responsibility during incarceration, rather than carrying out purely punitive measures. Emerald City is an extremely controlled environment, with a carefully managed balance of members from each racial and social group, intended to ease tensions among these various factions. However, almost all of these factions are constantly at war with one another which often results in many prisoners being beaten, raped, or murdered.
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contentLocation | New York City |
director | Adam Bernstein |
genre | crime drama |
keywords | aryan brotherhood augustus hill corrections officer drug trade homeboy homeboys of oz learn leo glynn made man murder muslim muslims of oz the aryan brotherhood in oz tim mcmanus tobias beecher wiseguys |
publisher | HBO |