

Pups is a 1999 American independent crime drama film written and directed by Ash, and starring Mischa Barton, Burt Reynolds and Cameron Van Hoy. The film centers on two young adolescents who embark on a bank robbery on their way to school. It premiered at the Los Angeles Independent Film Festival on April 18, 1999. Although well received critically, the film saw a limited release, which has been attributed to sensitivity surrounding the Columbine High School massacre that occurred two days after the premiere.


Stevie finds a gun in his mother's closet, and on his way to school with his girlfriend, Rocky, decides to use the gun to rob a bank. The police come and surround the building. One FBI agent, Daniel Bender, tries to free the hostages. Initially he is calm and cooperative, giving food, condoms, beer and an MTV reporter by request.

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    director Ash Baron-Cohen
    editor Michael Schultz
    genre crime drama
    keywords beer build condom fbi agent mtv
    musicBy Erran Baron Cohen
    publisher Allied Entertainment Group
    recordedAt Los Angeles
    theme independent