Blue in the Face
Blue in the Face is a 1995 American comedy film directed by Wayne Wang and Paul Auster. It stars Harvey Keitel leading an ensemble cast, including Giancarlo Esposito, Roseanne Barr, Michael J. Fox, Lily Tomlin, Victor Argo, Mira Sorvino, Lou Reed, Keith David, Jim Jarmusch, Jared Harris, RuPaul, and Madonna.
The film once again centers on the Brooklyn Cigar Store and manager Auggie (Harvey Keitel), although most of the other characters are different. The store owner's frustrated wife Dot (Roseanne Barr) is one of them, and one of the plotlines follows her attempts to seduce Auggie. Madonna, Michael J. Fox, Lily Tomlin and Lou Reed as himself also put in appearances.
More details
author | Paul Auster Wayne Wang |
contentLocation | Brooklyn New York City |
director | Paul Auster Wayne Wang |
editor | Christopher Tellefsen Maysie Hoy |
genre | comedy |
keywords | store owner |
musicBy | John Lurie |
producer | Peter Newman |
publisher | Miramax Films |
theme | independent smoking |