Jerky Turkey
Jerky Turkey is a 1945 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer cartoon directed by Tex Avery. Jerky Turkey is one of three MGM cartoons in the public domain in the United States as its copyright was not renewed.
In 1620, Pilgrims, riding a caricatured Mayflower with a number of World War II-era anachronisms (such as a navy gunnery deck, a Henry J. Kaiser nameplate and a fuel rationing card) land at Plymouth Rock and establish a colony, where they quickly separate into "Ye Democrats" and "Ye Republicans." The Pilgrims all stand in line for cigarettes (some are caricatures of Avery's animation crew), while the town crier bemoans that he has been made eligible for the draft with a card bearing his "1-A" eligibility in his hand.