Bambi Meets Godzilla
Bambi Meets Godzilla is a 1969 black-and-white animated short student film produced entirely by Marv Newland. Less than two minutes long, the film is seen as a classic of animation; it was listed #38 in the book The 50 Greatest Cartoons (1994).
The opening credits, consisting entirely of roles filled by Newland himself, scroll over an image of Bambi serenely grazing on a field of grass and flowers while the Chicago Symphony Orchestra's recording of William Tell's Ranz des Vaches plays in the background. After the credits, Bambi looks up to see Godzilla's foot coming down, squashing him flat (set to the final chord of the Beatles' "A Day in the Life"). After a moment, the closing credits appear alongside the image of Godzilla's foot atop Bambi. The closing credits give acknowledgement to Tokyo "for their help in obtaining Godzilla for this film". Godzilla's toe claws wiggle once and the cartoon ends.
More details
author | Marv Newland |
director | Marv Newland |
events | dinosaur |
genre | animation comedy |
keywords | a day in the life bambi beatles godzilla open ranz des vaches record symphony orchestra tokyo william tell |
musicBy | Chicago Symphony Orchestra The Beatles |
producer | Marv Newland |
productionCompany | Archiplex Productions |
publisher | Archiplex Distribution |
theme | animated animated short cartoon monster movie parody short |