

Kotch is a 1971 American comedy-drama film directed by Jack Lemmon and starring Walter Matthau, Deborah Winters, Felicia Farr, Charles Aidman and Ellen Geer.


On a patio in Los Angeles, young mother Wilma Kotcher is hiring Erica "Ricky" Herzenstiel to babysit for her infant son, Duncan "Dunc" Kotcher, when Joseph "Kotch" Kotcher, Wilma's father-in-law and resident of the Kotcher household, interrupts to tell an incoherent story about an unrelated Herzenstiel. Erica Herzenstiel is hired and she, Duncan, and Kotch travel to the park. Erica is picked up by her boyfriend and, taking Duncan despite Kotch's protests, leaves Kotch alone. Kotch sees a young girl struggling in the park's pool, lifts her from the water, towels her off, and sends her on her way by slapping her butt. The girl's mother, Mrs. Fischer, sees this and is offended. She and Mrs. Roberts, a representative of the parks department, visit Kotch at home to discuss the issue. Kotch explains that he intended the "pat on the ass" as only an act of camaraderie vis-à-vis baseball, referencing John McGraw and Casey Stengel. The two women are not impressed by this explanation; neither is Gerald Kotcher, Wilma's husband and Kotch's son, who is also present.