
Lancelot du Lac

Lancelot du Lac

Lancelot du Lac is a 1974 French fantasy drama film written and directed by Robert Bresson. It retells the story of Lancelot and Guinevere's love as Camelot and the Round Table fall apart. It is based on Arthurian legend and medieval romances, especially the Lancelot-Grail cycle, and the works of Chrétien de Troyes.


King Arthur has sent out 100 knights to retrieve the Holy Grail. Arthur is dismayed when it turns out that the mission was futile and 70 knights have died in its course. Among those who have returned is Lancelot, the lover of Queen Guinevere. He is haunted by the death of his comrades and torn between his duty and his love for the Queen. He wishes to end the affair, but Guinevere refuses. She implies that instead of being slain by enemies, the knights sent for the Grail turned on one another, Lancelot chief among them. To make matters worse, many knights of Camelot either are wary of or outright despise Lancelot, who is seen as a favorite even among the Round Table, save for a few, among them Gawain and Lionel, who are his greatest friends among the knights' ranks.