
The Scientific Cardplayer Lo Scopone Scientifico

The Scientific Cardplayer Lo Scopone Scientifico

The Scientific Cardplayer, also known as The Scopone Game, is a 1972 Italian comedy-drama film directed by Luigi Comencini. The screenplay was written by Rodolfo Sonego. In 2008, the film was included on the Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage’s 100 Italian films to be saved, a list of 100 films that "have changed the collective memory of the country between 1942 and 1978."


An aging and wealthy American woman journeys to Rome each year with her chauffeur George to play the card game scopone with destitute Peppino and his wife Antonia. The annual scenario remains unchanged: she donates the initial stakes, then ultimately wins the game, shattering the couple's dream of scoring a victory and improving their lot in life. Eventually their daughter Cleopatra seeks revenge on her parents' behalf.

    More details

    contentLocation Italy
    director Luigi Comencini
    editor Nino Baragli
    events gambling
    genre comedy-drama
    keywords card game game scopa scopone
    musicBy Piero Piccioni
    producer Dino De Laurentiis
    productionCompany Dino de Laurentiis Cinematografica
    recordedAt Rome