Spooky Buddies
Spooky Buddies is a 2011 Canadian-American supernatural comedy film that is part of the Disney Buddies franchise, a series often referred to as the Air Bud and Air Buddies franchise. For the fifth installment in the Air Buddies series, the plot follows the team as they have a Halloween adventure in Fernfield to stop the evil Warwick the Warlock and save the town. The film was directed by Robert Vince, produced by Anna McRoberts, and released by Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment on Blu-ray, DVD, and as a film download on September 20, 2011.
In 1937, Sheriff Jim and others from the town of Fernfield set off to the manor of Warwick the Warlock, who has kidnapped five puppies so he can sacrifice them to the Halloween Hound, an evil hellhound who can open a portal to ghosts but only if he has the souls of five puppies of the same blood. One of the puppies, Pip, belongs to a young boy named Joseph. As the mob prepares to storm the manor, the hound turns Pip's siblings to stone, but Pip escapes. Warwick chases him and grabs him just as the mob enters. When the hound tries to kill Pip, he fails as the sun starts to hurt his eyes. The Warlock manages to escape just as dawn approaches. Pip then turns to stone and becomes a ghost. Jim and Deputy Tracker surround Warwick, but he jumps in the mirror and escapes. Joseph takes Pip's stone body while his father takes Warwick's spellbook. The Sheriff takes Warwick's staff and announces to the townspeople that he would board up Warwick's house to prevent anything else from happening.
More details
author | Robert Vince |
director | Robert Vince |
editor | Kelly Herron |
genre | adventure comedy |
keywords | america bible book of exodus condemned man evil spirit gravedigger grimoire halloween party happen hellhound help kidnap open owl paralyze project a rat rescue scar school trip search sibling spellbook steal think turned to stone warlock young boy |
musicBy | Brahm Wenger |
producer | Anna McRoberts Robert Vince |
productionCompany | Key Pix Productions |
publisher | Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment |
theme | children's children's comedy direct-to-video ghost sequel shapeshifting |