
Bob and Margaret

Bob and Margaret

Bob and Margaret is an adult animated sitcom created by David Fine and Alison Snowden and co-produced by Nelvana and Channel 4 as a collaboration, both financial and artistic, between the United Kingdom and Canada. The last two seasons were produced without Channel 4 (i.e. Nelvana and Philippine Animators Group Inc.) but with continuing British involvement in the animation, cast, and screenwriting. The series was based on the Academy Award-winning short film Bob's Birthday, featuring the same main characters, which won the Best Animated Short Film Oscar in 1994. In Canada, it was the highest-rated Canadian-made animated series ever when it aired in primetime on Global.


Bob and Margaret struggle with everyday issues and mid-life crises. Stories often revolve around the mundane, but in a way that is eminently relatable, from the trials of shopping to dealing with friends who annoy them but owe them a dinner. They are often seen enjoying various takeaways – curries, various Chinese dishes, and especially pizza - as they navigate their lazy, sedentary homelives.
