Psycho is a 1960 American horror film produced and directed by Alfred Hitchcock. The screenplay, written by Joseph Stefano, was based on the 1959 novel of the same name by Robert Bloch. The film stars Anthony Perkins, Janet Leigh, Vera Miles, John Gavin, and Martin Balsam. The plot centers on an encounter between on-the-run embezzler Marion Crane (Leigh) and shy motel proprietor Norman Bates (Perkins) and its aftermath, in which a private investigator (Balsam), Marion's lover Sam Loomis (Gavin), and her sister Lila (Miles) investigate her disappearance.
Phoenix real estate secretary Marion Crane steals $40,000 cash from her employer after hearing her boyfriend, Sam, complain that his debts are delaying their marriage. She sets off to drive to Sam's home in Fairvale, California, and switches cars after she encounters a suspicious policeman. A heavy rainstorm forces Marion to stop at the Bates Motel just a few miles from Fairvale. Norman Bates, the proprietor, whose Second Empire style house overlooks the motel, registers Marion (who uses an alias) and invites her to eat with him in the motel's office. When Norman returns to his house to retrieve the food, Marion hears him arguing with his mother about his desire to dine with Marion. After he returns, he discusses his hobby as a taxidermist, his mother's "illness", and how people have a "private trap" they want to escape. When Marion suggests that Norman should have his mother institutionalized, he becomes greatly offended and insists that she's harmless. Marion decides to drive back to Phoenix in the morning to return the stolen money. As she showers, a shadowy figure enters the bathroom and stabs her to death. Shortly afterward, Norman comes to check on Marion, only to discover her dead body. Horrified, he hurriedly cleans up the murder scene. He then puts Marion's body, her belongings, and, unbeknownst to him, the hidden cash in her car, then sinks the car in a swamp.
More details
author | Joseph Stefano Robert Bloch |
award | Golden Globe Award for Best Supporting Actress – Motion Picture |
contentLocation | Arizona California |
director | Alfred Hitchcock |
editor | George Tomasini |
events | serial killer |
genre | crime horror |
keywords | alternate personality belong dead body guest register hear hidden cash horrify jail cell kill lila lila crane marion crane morning mummify norman bates poison police station private investigator real estate second empire style shadow stolen money strychnine poisoning stutter submerge swamp taxidermist |
musicBy | Bernard Herrmann |
nomination | Academy Award for Best Art Direction, Black and White Academy Award for Best Cinematography, Black-and-White Academy Award for Best Director Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress |
producer | Alfred Hitchcock |
productionCompany | Shamley Productions |
publisher | Paramount Pictures Universal Pictures |
recordedAt | Arizona California |
theme | films à clef independent serial killer slasher |