
Forgetting the Girl

Forgetting the Girl is a 2012 American thriller drama film directed by Nate Taylor, adapted for the screen by Peter Moore Smith, from his short story of the same name. It wrapped principal photography in August 2009, finished post-production in January 2012. The film had its world premiere at the Cinequest film festival on March 2, 2012. The sold out screening was well received and critics declared the film as "a beautifully dark psychodrama", "an impressive directorial debut" which "delivers something truly original and startling".


Kevin Wolfe is a socially awkward photographer who specializes in taking headshots for aspiring models and actresses. His unsuccessful attempts to woo the beautiful women he photographs are overseen by his makeup artist Jamie, who has an unhealthy obsession with him. One day one of his clients, Adrienne, asks him out. Kevin accepts, but is upset when she ghosts him the day after, only returning to pick up her photos and tell him that it was only a one night stand. Adrienne is later reported missing by her sister, however Kevin is unable to provide any information as they only had the single date together.