Expelled is a 2014 American teen comedy film written and directed by Alex Goyette. The film stars Cameron Dallas, Matt Shively, Lia Marie Johnson, Marcus Johns, Andrea Russett, Kristina Hayes and Teala Dunn. Most of the cast are popular online internet personalities. The film began a limited release in theatres on December 12, 2014, before being released on video on demand December 16, 2014, by 20th Century Fox.
Felix O'Neil is a mischievous prankster who believes that school is a waste of time. He gets expelled from Eastwood High school after receiving his third and final suspension from the school dean of students, Gary Truman.
More details
author | Alex Goyette |
director | Alex Goyette |
editor | Josh Noyes |
genre | comedy |
keywords | assistant bail beat best friend blackmail break in custodian cyberbully cyberbullying embezzlement expel expulsion extra-curricular activities extracurricular activity gamble gambling addict hard drive history teacher janitor last second meet older brother plan problem gambling school play ship suspension teaching assistant tranquilizer |
musicBy | The Outfit |
producer | Alex Goyette Brian Robbins Shauna Phelan |
productionCompany | AwesomenessTV |
publisher | 20th Century Fox |
theme | direct-to-video high school |