The Aristocats
The Aristocats is a 1970 American animated romantic musical comedy film produced by Walt Disney Productions and directed by Wolfgang Reitherman. It is the final Disney animated film made with the involvement of Walt Disney Productions' co-founder Roy O. Disney before his death on December 20, 1971. The film is based on a story by Tom McGowan and Tom Rowe, and revolves around a family of aristocratic cats, and how an alley cat acquaintance helps them after a butler has kidnapped them to gain his mistress's fortune which was intended to go to them. The film features the voices of Phil Harris, Eva Gabor, Hermione Baddeley, Dean Clark, Sterling Holloway, Scatman Crothers, and Roddy Maude-Roxby.
In 1910, mother cat Duchess and her three kittens, Berlioz, Marie, and Toulouse, live in Paris with retired opera diva Madame Adelaide Bonfamille, and her English butler, Edgar. The cats are pampered pets that live a luxurious lifestyle and are very cultured in art and music, like their owner.
More details
author | Eric Cleworth Frank Thomas Julius Svendsen Ken Anderson Larry Clemmons Ralph Wright Vance Gerry |
contentLocation | Paris |
director | Wolfgang Reitherman |
editor | Tom Acosta |
events | envy kidnapping |
genre | adventure animation comedy |
keywords | alley cat ambush end ev\'rybody wants to be a cat everybody wants to be a cat geese goose hitchhike horse hound house hypnotic inebriate kitten locked in lose marriage proposal morning mouse pack rescue retire sidecar sleeping pill sleeping pills speak speaking tube strand timbuktu trestle trestle bridge will |
musicBy | Al Rinker Floyd Huddleston George Bruns Sherman Brothers Terry Gilkyson |
producer | Winston Hibler |
productionCompany | Walt Disney Productions |
publisher | Buena Vista Distribution |
theme | animals animated children's children's adventure musical comedy romantic comedy romantic musical |