Jackpot! is a 2024 American action comedy film directed by Paul Feig and written by Rob Yescombe. The film stars Awkwafina, John Cena, Ayden Mayeri, Donald Elise Watkins, Sam Asghari, and Simu Liu. The film follows Katie (Awkwafina), a former child actor who wins a $3.6 billion lottery and must fend off people trying to kill her in a future version of California.
By 2030, the financially desperate government of California creates the deadly Grand Lottery: each Lottery Day, the randomly selected winner must survive until sundown; anyone with a losing ticket can kill the winner to claim the multi-million dollar prize instead, but no one may use guns.
More details
author | Rob Yescombe |
director | Paul Feig |
editor | Brent White |
genre | action comedy |
keywords | abandon airbnb break in california capture child actor claim fight grapevine help kill los angeles lose mgk panic room phone call prize money rescue ridge route scaffold security guard shoot show business sightsee sole survivor superyacht wax museum win |
musicBy | Theodore Shapiro |
producer | Jeff Kirschenbaum Joe Roth Laura Fischer Paul Feig |
productionCompany | Feigco Entertainment |
publisher | Amazon MGM Studios |
theme | action comedy dystopian the future |