Braindead (also known as Dead Alive in North America) is a 1992 New Zealand zombie comedy splatter film directed by Peter Jackson, produced by Jim Booth, and written by Stephen Sinclair, Fran Walsh, and Jackson based on an original story idea by Sinclair. It stars Timothy Balme, Diana Peñalver, Elizabeth Moody and Ian Watkin. The plot follows Lionel, a young man living in South Wellington with his strict mother Vera. After Lionel becomes romantically entangled with a girl named Paquita, Vera is bitten by a hybrid rat-monkey creature and begins to transform into a zombie, while also infecting swathes of the city's populace.
In 1957, zoologist Stewart McAlden and his team smuggle a captured Sumatran rat-monkey, a hybrid creature that resulted from the rape of tree monkeys by plague-carrying rats, out of Skull Island. During the team's escape from the island's warrior natives, who demand the creature's return, Stewart is bitten by the rat-monkey, resulting in his dismemberment and killing by his crew, who fear the effects of the bite. As per Stewart's warning to the natives, "this monkey's going to Newtown", the captured rat-monkey is then shipped to Wellington Zoo by the survivors of the expedition.
More details
author | Fran Walsh Peter Jackson Stephen Sinclair |
contentLocation | Indonesia |
director | Peter Jackson |
editor | Jamie Selkirk |
genre | animation comedy horror science fiction |
keywords | behead body part break out burn capture dead bodies discover domineering mother drown fire brigade gang leader hataitai haunt hoodlum hybrid kill lawn mower locked in necrophilia open skull island spanish romani tram warn wellington tramway system wellington zoo zoologist zoology |
musicBy | Peter Dasent |
producer | Jim Booth |
productionCompany | Avalon Studios Limited The New Zealand Film Commission WingNut Films |
publisher | Trimark Pictures |
recordedAt | New Zealand |
theme | black comedy comedy horror exploitation monster movie psycho-biddy slapstick splatter zombie zombie comedy |