
Die Jagd nach dem Stiefel

Die Jagd nach dem Stiefel is an East German film. It was released in 1962.


A fight breaks out between KPD (communist) and SA (nazi) men during the 1932 Reichstag election. KPD man Ernst "Juhle" Schiemann is found dead a few hours later. When the police find a cosh/blackjack on his comrade Büttner, they accuse him of murder. Because his son Jack doesn't believe that his father is a murderer, he and his friends, who call themselves Redties, go in search of the real culprit. They use the impression of the sole of a boot, which can only come from the murderer. Although their efforts are hampered by a rival gang, the Redties are ultimately successful and the actual killer is identified. SA man Müller and his companion Bullrich are handed over to the police; Büttner is acquitted.

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    contentLocation Berlin
    director Konrad Petzold
    editor Ilse Peters
    musicBy Günter Hauk
    producer Deutsche Film
    publisher Progress Film
    theme children's