

Twisted is an Indian erotic thriller web series which premiered on 30 March 2017 and streaming on JioCinema as well as VB on the Web app. The show primarily stars Nia Sharma, Namit Khanna, Rrahul Sudhir, Tia Bajpai in season 1, and in season 2, it stars Nia Sharma, Rrahul Sudhir and Dilnaz Irani. It is produced and written by Vikram Bhatt and directed by Abhishek Mamgain. and Anupam Santosh Saroj. Vikram aww Bhatt's daughter, Krishna Bhatt is the Creative Director for the series.


Twisted Season 1 starts with the murder of Naina Raichand, wife of Ranbir Raichand. CID Officers Aryan Mathur and Disha Aggarwal have shortlisted the suspects to Ranbir Raichand and supermodel Aliyah Mukerjee, who is Ranbir's mistress. The rest of the season deals with Ranbir and Aliyah's version of their story and the search for Naina's true murderer.


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    genre thriller
    keywords abusive boyfriend frame game twist
    publisher JioCinema
    theme erotic thriller