
Duckman: Private Dick/Family Man

Duckman: Private Dick/Family Man

Duckman: Private Dick/Family Man (commonly known as Duckman) is an American adult animated sitcom that aired on the USA Network from March 5, 1994, through September 6, 1997. It was created and developed by Everett Peck. The sitcom is based on characters created by Peck in his 1990 one-shot comic book published by Dark Horse Comics. Anivision and its parent Sunwoo Entertainment animated the series and was produced by Klasky Csupo and Reno & Osborn Productions for Paramount Television. It marks Klasky Csupo's second adult-oriented television series after the first three seasons of The Simpsons on the Fox Broadcasting Company.


thumb|left|200px|Left to right: Duckman, Bernice, Ajax, Gecko, Charles, Mambo, "Grand-Ma-Ma" and Cornfed.