
Think Tank is a 2006 American comedy film written and directed by the Brian Petersen, star of MTV's "Sportblender". The film was produced by Chris Wyatt and Sean Covel (Napoleon Dynamite, Beneath). It was released theatrically by Conservative Films & Entertainment, on DVD by Monarch Home Video, broadcast on US cable by Starz, and available online through Netflix's "Watch Instantly" feature.


Having already achieved some level of notoriety for their first invention, four ambitious inventors form an exclusive club of MENSA wannabes known as the "Think Tank." The hangout of choice for these big-brained innovators is Jon's Pool Hall, a modest local gaming facility that is likely to be put out of business when the monolithic "Palace of Pool" opens its doors. Perhaps if these brainstorming geniuses can finally perfect the game of "frictionless pool" there may be a glimmer of hope for Jon's Pool Hall after all.


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    director Brian Petersen
    editor Yuka Ruell
    genre comedy
    keywords game pool hall
    musicBy John Swihart
    producer Chris "Doc" Wyatt Sean Covel
    publisher CF Entertainment