
Grand Avenue is a 1996 American drama film directed by Daniel Sackheim and written by Greg Sarris. It is based on the 1994 novel Grand Avenue by Greg Sarris. The film stars Irene Bedard, Tantoo Cardinal, Eloy Casados, Deena-Marie Consiglio, Alexis Cruz, Diane Debassige, Jenny Gago, Cody Lightning, A Martinez, Simi Mehta, August Schellenberg, Sheila Tousey and Sam Vlahos. The film premiered on HBO on June 30, 1996. The film is one of the only American films to feature an indigenous Native American lead role for an actress, played by Menominee actress Tousey.


The film follows the members of a family who at the opening are kicked out of their stepfather's tribal reservation in California after he dies. They return to Grand Avenue in the South Park neighborhood in Santa Rosa, California, where many of their extended relatives and tribal members live. Once they have a house for rent, Mollie, the mother of the family struggles with finding and keeping a job and alcoholism. Daughters Justine and Alice try to keep the family together and take care of the youngest, their brother Sheldon. However, Justine begins to seek out company with local gang members, some of whom then turn on her for acting out sexually with their friends. Alice is the lone dependable member of the family and gravitates to her elder relatives for advice and support.