The Real Ghostbusters
The Real Ghostbusters is an American animated television series, a spin-off and sequel of the 1984 comedy film Ghostbusters. The series ran on ABC between September 13, 1986 and October 5, 1991, and was a joint production of DIC Enterprises in association with Columbia Pictures Television and distributed by Coca-Cola Telecommunications.
The series follows the continuing adventures of the four Ghostbusters, their secretary Janine, their accountant Louis, and their mascot Slimer, as they chase and capture rogue spooks, specters, spirits and ghosts around New York City and various other areas of the world.
More details
contentLocation | New York City |
genre | comedy fantasy horror science fiction |
keywords | animate end film production slimer syndicate wang film productions |
musicBy | Shuki Levy |
publisher | ABC |
theme | comic science fiction detective fiction horror comedy |