
Whoops Apocalypse

Whoops Apocalypse

Whoops Apocalypse is a 1986 British comedy film directed by Tom Bussmann and starring Loretta Swit, Herbert Lom, and Peter Cook. The film shares the same title as the TV series Whoops Apocalypse, but uses an almost completely different plot from the series.


The beginning of the film parodies the Falklands War when a small British colony is invaded by its neighbour, the fictional country of Maguadora, whose dictator General Mosquera is played by Herbert Lom. The new president of the United States, Barbara Adams, tries to sort out the mess, but the peace talks are sabotaged by Lacrobat (Michael Richards), the world's leading terrorist. The British, under the leadership of PM Sir Mortimer Chris, send in a task force to seize the islands back. For revenge, Mosquera hires Lacrobat to kidnap the British Princess Wendy, to hold her ransom to get the British out. Sir Mortimer then threatens that unless she is returned within 48 hours, he will launch a nuclear strike. Now President Adams not only has to deal with Mosquera and Lacrobat, but also Sir Mortimer, and also with the fact that Mosquera aligns himself with Russia, and this whole thing could start World War III.