Hellgate is a 1989 horror film directed by William A. Levey, written by Michael S. O'Rourke, and starring Ron Palillo, Abigail Wolcott, and Carel Trichardt. It follows two young couples who become embroiled in the mystery of a desolate ghost town, Hellgate, where a young woman was kidnapped and murdered by a biker gang in 1959. It was released in the United States directly-to-video in August 1990 through Vidmark Entertainment.
College students Pam, her best friend Bobby, and Chuck are awaiting the arrival of Bobby's boyfriend Matt at a remote cabin in the Sierra Nevada mountains. Bobby tells the story of the Hellgate hitchhiker, an urban legend about a spectral female hitchhiker alleged to be the ghost of a woman, Josie Carlyle, the daughter of a mining magnate who was kidnapped by a biker gang in 1959 and brutally murdered in the now-ghost town of Hellgate, where her father served as mayor. After Josie's murder, a gold mining prospector uncovered a strange crystal in an abandoned mine, which he brought to her father, Lucas. Lucas, distraught over Josie's death, used the crystal's powers to reanimate her corpse, inadvertently wreaking supernatural havoc on anything that came in contact with it.
More details
author | Michael S. O'Rourke |
director | William A. Levey |
editor | Chris Barnes Mark Baard Max Lemon |
genre | comedy horror mystery |
keywords | abandoned mine abduct attack back to life best friend build chuck d college student dance hall ghost town jeep kidnap meander mine murder newspaper article on the road police station reanimate her corpse serve sierra nevada turn urban legend vintage car warn |
musicBy | Barry Fasman Dana Walden |
producer | Anant Singh |
publisher | Los Angeles Times New World Pictures Trimark Pictures |
theme | comedy horror ghost surreal zombie |