
Buck Wild

Buck Wild is a zombie comedy horror film directed by Tyler Glodt, written by Glodt and producer Matthew Albrecht, and starring Albrecht, Jarrod Pistilli, Dru Lockwood, and Isaac Harrison as four friends who must face zombies on their hunting trip in rural Texas. It premiered at the Dallas International Film Festival in April 2013. The film was shot in 2011 in Goliad County, Texas, United States. Buck Wild won the Best of the Fest award at the Hill Country Film Festival in May 2013.


When their originally planned outing is cancelled, four friends go on a hunting trip in Texas. They include Craig, a straitlaced man; Jerry, a mysterious relative of Craig's from New York; Tom, a nerd; and Lance, a hedonist. When they arrive, they discover that a chupacabra has bitten their guide Clyde, and, unknown to all, he has begun to slowly turn into a zombie. As Clyde shows the friends their cabin, Lance and Candy, Clyde's daughter, make out in the next room. Clyde warns them not to cross onto the property of Billy Ray, a local gangster, and, discovering Lance and Candy, angrily leaves with his daughter. Later that night, Craig reveals that he intends to marry his girlfriend, and Lance behaves strangely; Jerry tells Craig that Lance and Craig's girlfriend have been having an affair, but Craig refuses to believe it.
