
Paris Trout is a 1991 drama film directed by Stephen Gyllenhaal, starring Dennis Hopper, Barbara Hershey, and Ed Harris.


Paris Trout is an unrepentant racist in 1949 Georgia. The greedy and paranoid shopkeeper murders the sister of a black man who refuses to repay Trout’s IOU. When Trout is arrested for the crime, he is stunned and enraged, showing himself to be a man of the Old South. Lawyer Harry Seagraves arrives to calm the waters in court but is soon caught in crimes of his own, including a dangerous and doomed affair with Trout's wife.

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    contentLocation Georgia
    director Stephen Gyllenhaal
    editor Harvey Rosenstock
    genre drama
    keywords arrest doom iou old south
    musicBy David Shire
    producer Frank Konigsberg Larry Sanitsky
    publisher Palace Pictures