True Lies
True Lies is a 1994 American action comedy film written and directed by James Cameron, based on the 1991 French comedy film La Totale!. The film stars Arnold Schwarzenegger as Harry Tasker, a U.S. government agent, who struggles to balance his double life as a spy with his familial duties. Jamie Lee Curtis, Tom Arnold, Bill Paxton, Art Malik, and Tia Carrere star in supporting roles. True Lies was the first Lightstorm Entertainment project to be distributed under Cameron's multimillion-dollar production deal with 20th Century Fox, as well as the first major production for the visual effects company Digital Domain, which was co-founded by Cameron. It was also the first film to cost $100 million.
To his wife, Helen and his daughter Dana, Harry Tasker is a salesman for business software often away on business trips, but in actuality, he is a secret agent for Omega Sector, a top-secret U.S. counterterrorism agency. Harry, along with his teammates Albert "Gib" Gibson and Faisil, infiltrates a party in Switzerland hosted by billionaire Jamal Khaled. In the party, Harry meets Juno Skinner, who turns out to not only be Khaled's art dealer, but someone paid by "Crimson Jihad", a terrorist faction led by Salim Abu Aziz. Undercover as a potential buyer, Harry visits her, leading the terrorists to attempt to kill him. Harry fights them off but loses Aziz in pursuit. As a result, Harry misses the birthday party that Helen and Dana had planned for him.