
The Shortcut is a 2009 American horror film directed by Nicholaus Goossen, written by Dan Hannon and Scott Sandler, and starring Andrew Seeley, Shannon Woodward, Dave Franco, and Katrina Bowden. The film's plot centers on two brothers who discover a rarely used shortcut and learn its dark secret.


In 1945 a young couple, Dougie and Irene are leaving the homecoming dance. The couple take a shortcut through the woods where they begin to make out. Irene wants to stop, but Dougie attempts to rape her. She manages to injure him, however, so he leaves. As Irene makes her way out of the shortcut, a young boy Benjamin attacks her, hitting her over the head with a rock and killing her. It is revealed that Benjamin has growing health issues and eventually begins to murder anyone he sees using the shortcut. Ivor and the rest of Benjamin's family then hide him away from the rest of the world, by shackling him to the basement by a chain around his neck.