
Two Doors Down

Two Doors Down

Two Doors Down is a Scottish television sitcom, produced by BBC Studios. It was created by Simon Carlyle and Gregor Sharp, and stars Arabella Weir, Alex Norton, Doon Mackichan, Jonathan Watson and Elaine C. Smith as neighbours in a suburban street in Scotland.


The series co-creator, Simon Carlyle, stated: "Two Doors Down is about crazy neighbours. We've all got them. They seem ok, but when you scratch the surface they're a bit nuts." Two Doors Down focuses on neighbours living side by side in a middle-class Glasgow suburb (differentiating it from many previous Glasgow-based sitcoms such as Rab C Nesbitt and Still Game which were set in gritty, downtrodden areas of the city). BBC Scotland describes the characters as "not so happily living together" – the neighbours are constantly visiting uninvited, and overstaying their welcome, at Beth and Eric Baird's house. Beth is often taken advantage of by her neighbours, in particular Colin and Cathy Whyte next door - frequently having to make tea, pour drinks and prepare food, while the remaining characters chat in the living room. The Bairds have a son Ian, who is openly gay and visits his parents accompanied by his boyfriend (Jaz in Series 1-2, Gordon, Series 3-7).
