The Honky Problem
The Honky Problem is a 1991 animated short film by Mike Judge. It features an original character, Inbred Jed, who is playing with his country music band somewhere in the desert by a trailer for a small audience of American white trash.
The Honky Problem opens with Inbred Jed, a very emotional hillbilly, and his band The Little Bottom Boys (consisting of an upright bass player, steel guitar player, and himself on guitar), playing a honky tonk outdoors concert for a small group of similar white trash citizens in a Texas trailer park. Jed introduces himself and the band, bringing himself to tears explaining how good it is to be there, playing a concert. He performs one of his songs, "Long-Legged Woman".
More details
author | Mike Judge |
director | Mike Judge |
editor | Mike Judge |
keywords | guitar guitar player hillbilly honky tonk honky tonk music inbreeding mormon steel guitar trailer park upright bass white trash |
musicBy | Mike Judge |
producer | Cesca Judge Dan Dudley Mike Judge |
publisher | Spike and Mike's Festival of Animation |
theme | animated animated short |