
Les Ordres

Orders (; known in the United States as: Orderers) is a 1974 Quebec historical drama film about the incarceration of innocent civilians during the 1970 October Crisis following the War Measures Act enacted by the Canadian government of Pierre Trudeau. It is the second film by director Michel Brault. It features entertainer and Senator Jean Lapointe.


The film tells the story of five of those incarcerated civilians. It is scripted but is inspired by a number of interviews with actual prisoners made during the events and its style is heavily inspired by the Quebec school of Cinéma vérité. It is a docufiction.

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    contentLocation Montreal
    director Michel Brault
    editor Yves Dion
    genre drama historical political
    keywords script
    musicBy Philippe Gagnon
    nomination International Submission to the Academy Awards
    producer Guy Dufaux
    productionCompany Productions Prisma
    theme cinéma vérité docufiction