
Midnight Molly

Midnight Molly

Midnight Molly is a 1925 American silent drama film directed by Lloyd Ingraham and starring Evelyn Brent in a dual role. A print of the film exists in the BFI National Archive.


As described in a review in a film magazine, Midnight Molly (Brent), female their, surprised by detectives as she is stealing a painting, escapes but is rundown by an automobile and is taken to the hospital. Margaret (Brent), wife of District Attorney John Warren (Gordon), elopes with adventurer George Calvin (Bary). John is called to he hospital and finds that Molly is the double of his wife. Hoping to avert a scandal, he takes her to his home. Molly recovers and keeps up the deception. John runs for governor. Calvin hears of this and, seeing a chance for blackmail, returns. Detective Daley is suspicious of Molly and hopes to trap her by taking her fingerprints. However, Daley's stoolpigeon squeals on his plans. Molly goes to Margaret and forces her to come to the Warren house and be fingerprinted, saving the situation. Margaret and Calvin are later killed, and John and Molly are married.

    More details

    director Lloyd Ingraham
    genre drama
    keywords district attorney kill married paint steal
    productionCompany Gothic Pictures
    publisher Film Booking Offices of America