
Dynamite Dan

Dynamite Dan is a 1924 American drama film directed by Bruce M. Mitchell and featuring Kenneth MacDonald and Boris Karloff. The film is about a young dockworker who is framed for a robbery he did not commit by his foreman, gangster Tony Garcia. Prints of this film survive and are available on DVD. Boris Karloff, who plays the gangster, only appears in the beginning and end of the film.


A young dockworker named Dan McLeod (Kenneth MacDonald) is accused of a robbery at his job on the loading dock that was actually committed by his foreman Tony Garcia (Boris Karloff). Dan escapes from the police and a comical detective named Sherlock Jones (Eddie Harris) sets out to track him down and recapture him. Dan gets a job as a gym teacher at his girlfriend Helen's school, but gets fired soon after. Next he becomes a professional boxer and calls himself Dynamite Dan. Dan asks his girlfriend to spy for him at his old job and learn who it was that framed him for the robbery. In the film's finale, Dan has to box a gangster named Brute Lacy (Harry Woods) in the ring for the championship as his girlfriend is being menaced by gangster Tony Garcia.


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    director Bruce M. Mitchell
    genre drama
    keywords frame
    producer Anthony J. Xydias
    publisher Aywon Film Corporation