
Sonjas Rückkehr

Sonjas Rückkehr

Sonjas Rückkehr is a 2006 Swiss Drama film produced for the Swiss television SRF.


Sonja Knecht (Melanie Winiger) was sentenced to six years in prison for the alleged murder of her husband. Sonja travels to her hometown where the 28-year-old mother rents a room. She wants to see her son, watching him undetected in the schoolyard and learns from his mouth "my mum is dead" as the eight-year-old boy was teased by other school children because his prison mother. The further contact is initially prohibited: Tim lives with her in-law parents Armin and Julia which Sonja has entrusted her then two-year-old son. Armin forces after another contact trial by Sonja, and that she has to live in an open living group as Sonja broke the rules of probation. To obtain the legal custody of her son, Sonja contacts Stefan, the only witness of the murder night and asks him to finally admit the truth.

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    director Tobias Ineichen
    genre drama
    musicBy Fabian Römer
    producer Simon Hesse Valentin Greutert
    recordedAt Zürich