Titanic is a 1996 American two-part television miniseries which premiered on CBS on November 17 and 19, 1996. It focuses on several characters aboard the RMS Titanic during her maiden voyage in 1912. The miniseries was directed by Robert Lieberman. The original music score was composed by Lennie Niehaus.
Titanic follows three main story threads.
More details
author | Joyce Eliason Ross LaManna |
contentLocation | Atlantic Ocean |
director | Robert Lieberman |
editor | Tod Feuerman |
genre | drama |
keywords | alice cleaver allison family baby end first class funeral harold lowe hypothermia kill lifeboat lowe montreal new life new york city old woman past life travel united kingdom young man |
musicBy | Lennie Niehaus |
producer | Harold Lee Tichenor |
publisher | RHI Entertainment |
theme | disaster rape romantic drama |