The Blood Bond
The Blood Bond (also known as Shadowguard) is a 2010 action thriller film directed by Michael Biehn, with additional material by Antony Szeto. It was produced by Bey Logan and stars Michael Biehn, Simon Yam and Phoenix Chou. The Blood Bond premiered at 2010 Cannes Film Market.
The story follows a quest to save an Asian spiritual leader whose rare blood type only has one donor left alive in the fictional war-torn nation of Bandanesia.
More details
author | Brian Ransom Dan Bush Michael Biehn |
director | Bey Logan Michael Biehn |
editor | Ken Yu |
genre | action thriller |
keywords | blood type fictional war |
musicBy | Longan So |
producer | Bey Logan |
publisher | The Weinstein Company |
recordedAt | Connecticut Hong Kong |