
RWBY Chibi

RWBY Chibi

RWBY Chibi is an American animated comedy web series produced by Rooster Teeth Animation for Rooster Teeth. It is a spin-off of RWBY, where each episode consists of several scenes where aspects of RWBY's characters are usually exaggerated for comic effect. The series was first announced as part of Rooster Teeth's 13th Anniversary celebration on April 1, 2016 and premiered May 7. In January 2017, Rooster Teeth confirmed that the second season's premiere would be later in that year on May 13 on Rooster Teeth and May 20 on YouTube. A third season premiered on January 27, 2018, on Rooster Teeth and February 3, 2018 on YouTube. Following the conclusion of the third season, the series would go on an indefinite hiatus.


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    genre animation comedy western
    publisher Rooster Teeth