Little Big Soldier
Little Big Soldier is a 2010 action comedy film directed by Ding Sheng and produced and written by Jackie Chan, also starring Chan and Leehom Wang. The film was produced with a budget of US$25 million and filmed between January 2009 and April 2009 at locations in Yunnan, China. According to Chan, the film was stuck in development hell for over 20 years.
On 1 December 2009, a press conference was held for the film, along with Chan's announcement of a new teaser trailer posted on the film's official Sina website. Twitch also released a plot synopsis of the film:
More details
author | Jackie Chan |
contentLocation | China |
director | Ding Sheng |
genre | action adventure comedy |
keywords | liang press conference sina wei wey |
producer | Jackie Chan |
publisher | JCE Movies Limited Polybona Films |
theme | action comedy buddy |