
Little Big Soldier

Little Big Soldier

Little Big Soldier is a 2010 action comedy film directed by Ding Sheng and produced and written by Jackie Chan, also starring Chan and Leehom Wang. The film was produced with a budget of US$25 million and filmed between January 2009 and April 2009 at locations in Yunnan, China. According to Chan, the film was stuck in development hell for over 20 years.


On 1 December 2009, a press conference was held for the film, along with Chan's announcement of a new teaser trailer posted on the film's official Sina website. Twitch also released a plot synopsis of the film:

    More details

    contentLocation China
    director Ding Sheng
    genre action adventure comedy
    keywords liang press conference sina wei wey
    producer Jackie Chan
    publisher JCE Movies Limited Polybona Films
    theme action comedy buddy