
Sunny Day

Sunny Day

Sunny Day is an animated children's television series produced by Silvergate Media. The series revolves around Sunny (voiced by Lilla Crawford), a tween-age hairdresser who runs her own hair salon with the help of her dog Doodle (Rob Morrison), hair colorist Rox (Élan Luz Rivera), and receptionist Blair (Taylor Louderman). Sunny's best customers are Timmy (Kevin Duda


Taking place in the seaside city of Friendly Falls, the series follows a professional hairstylist named Sunny who works at her own hair salon. Sunny uses her creativity and knowledge of hair care to solve problems. The other salon employees are Sunny's talking dog Doodle, Rox the hair colourist, and Blair the receptionist. Sunny's best customers are Timmy, who hosts every town event in Friendly Falls, and Cindy, the unlucky local baker with constantly messy hair.
