
Look Pleasant, Please

Look Pleasant, Please

Look Pleasant, Please is a 1918 American short comedy film featuring Harold Lloyd. A print of the film is held by the Museum of Modern Art.


Bebe is one of a group of females who go to a photographer's studio to have their pictures taken. The amorous photographer has "frolicky fingers". When he gets too friendly with Bebe, she telephones her husband who vows to come to the studio to murder the photographer. Shortly afterward, Harold, a dishonest greengrocer, is pursued by a group of policemen. During his flight from them, he happens to enter the photographer's studio. Initially the photographer mistakes Harold for Bebe's irate husband. When he realizes that Harold is harmless, the photographer tells Harold he can have the run of the studio—in the hopes that Bebe's husband will think that Harold is the photographer. Harold attempts to photograph an old woman, a group of three drunkards and a pretty chorus girl before the jealous husband arrives. A large scuffle ensues. Eventually the husband is arrested and Harold and Bebe are photographed together.

    More details

    director Alfred J. Goulding
    genre comedy
    keywords arrest chorus girl jealous husband old woman
    producer Hal Roach
    productionCompany Rolin Films
    publisher Pathé Exchange
    theme short