
Lilac Ball

The Lilac Ball is a 1987 Soviet science-fiction children's film starring Natalya Guseva as Alisa Selezneva, a character she had previously played in the TV miniseries Guest from the Future.


Alisa Seleznyova, her father professor Seleznyov, and the ship's captain Zeleniy are travelling in space on the Pegasus. Zeleniy is unhappy that Alisa has brought a frog on board as he insists on keeping the ship clean, however Alisa insists that the frog is in fact a princess under a curse. They meet their old friend alien archaeologist Gromozeka, who's just discovered an empty space ship called Black Wanderer all inhabitants of which died. Upon investigation of the Black Wanderer they find video evidence that the Black Wanderer was inhabited by Space Pirates, who attacked entire planets at a time to loot their resources. Since they lacked the manpower to physically take over an entire planet they would instead send ahead a scouting ship which would plant a lilac ball on the planet. Lilac balls were storage units for the virus of hate, which would cause all who were infected to attack each other.