Silent Witness
Silent Witness is a British crime drama television series produced by the BBC that focuses on a team of forensic pathology experts and their investigations into various crimes. First broadcast in 1996, the series was created by Nigel McCrery, a former murder squad detective based in Nottingham. Twenty-seven series of Silent Witness have been broadcast since 1996, with series 27 airing in January/February 2024.
- Amanda Burton
- Arsher Ali
- Clare Higgins
- Daniel Weyman
- David Caves
- Emilia Fox
- Jane Hazlegrove
- Janice Acquah
- Jaye Griffiths
- John McGlynn
- Liz Carr
- Mark Letheren
- Matthew Steer
- Mick Ford
- Milo Twomey
- Nick Reding
- Nicola Redmond
- Richard Durden
- Richard Huw
- Richard Lintern
- Ruth Gemmell
- Ruth McCabe
- Tamsin Egerton
- Tom Ward
- William Gaminara
- Wunmi Mosaku