
Mock Up on Mu

Mock Up on Mu

Mock Up on Mu is a 2008 science fiction collage film directed by American experimental filmmaker Craig Baldwin. The film is a fictionalized continuation of the stories of L. Ron Hubbard, Jack Parsons, and Marjorie Cameron. Baldwin assembled it mostly from found footage but began introducing more original live-action footage than in earlier projects.


In the year 2019, L. Ron Hubbard lives on Mu, a Scientology theme park and rehab center on the Moon. He sends Agent C to Las Vegas to seduce a playboy defense contractor named Lockheed Martin and then Richard Carlson. Carlson turns out to be the assumed identity of Jack Parsons, who has suffered amnesia ever since his purported death in 1952. He realizes that she is a spy and uncovers L. Ron's plot to build a space shuttle between Las Vegas and Mu as a cover for a weapons system.