
Blood for Dust

Blood for Dust is a 2023 American action crime thriller film written by David Ebeltoft, directed by Rod Blackhurst and produced by Noah Lang, Ari Novak, Mark Fasano and Nathan Klingher. It stars Scoot McNairy, Kit Harington and Josh Lucas.


Cliff, who in the past at his work had an affair with the wife of his company's CEO and who was involved in allegations of embezzlement, for which the CEO subsequently took the blame and committed suicide, loses his job as a travelling salesman of defibrillators after rumours of his involvement resurface when he attempts to blackmail his manager over poor defibrillator sales into giving him a higher commission. Unable to find employment elsewhere, he takes up an offer from his old colleague Ricky to become a drug- and gun-runner under his old travelling salesman cover for a local gang.