Scumbag is a 2017 Canadian-American film by the filmmaker Mars Roberge about Phil, a young DJ who works at a telemarketing company where his co-workers are lunatics, former convicts and junkies. The film stars Princess Frank and Debra Haden with an ensemble cast of underground legends.
The film follows a young aspiring DJ, Phil, played by Princess Frank, who takes on a day job at a telemarketing company to make ends meet but has to fight for his life and his girlfriend Christine, played by Debra Haden, while keeping up with his co-workers who consist of crazy people, ex-prisoners, drug addicts and murderers. The action of the movie takes place in the 1990s.
More details
author | Mars Roberge |
director | Mars Roberge |
editor | Mars Roberge |
genre | comedy |
keywords | aspiring dj drug addict telemarketing |
musicBy | Lionel Cohen |
productionCompany | World Domination Pictures |
publisher | Freestyle Releasing |
theme | black comedy |