Seven Brides for Seven Brothers
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers is a 1954 American musical film, directed by Stanley Donen, with music by Gene de Paul, lyrics by Johnny Mercer, and choreography by Michael Kidd. The screenplay, by Albert Hackett, Frances Goodrich, and Dorothy Kingsley, is based on the short story "The Sobbin' Women", by Stephen Vincent Benét, which was based in turn on the ancient Roman legend of the Rape of the Sabine Women. Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, which is set in Oregon in 1850, is particularly known for Kidd's unusual choreography, which makes dance numbers out of such mundane frontier pursuits as chopping wood and raising a barn. Film critic Stephanie Zacharek has called the barn-raising sequence in Seven Brides "one of the most rousing dance numbers ever put on screen." The film was photographed in Ansco Color in the CinemaScope format.
In 1850, backwoodsman Adam Pontipee arrives at an Oregon Territory town to look for a bride and breaks into song about it. ("Bless Your Beautiful Hide"). He eventually meets Milly and proposes to her after seeing her strength, hardworking attitude, and the quality of her cooking. He is further pleased at Milly’s insistence on finishing her chores before she leaves with him. Despite not knowing him well, she accepts Adam’s proposal under the belief she will be taking care of only him and she sings about it ("Wonderful, Wonderful Day").