Pattalam is a 2009 Indian Tamil-language teen drama film directed by Rohan Krishna. Produced by Thirrupathi Brothers company, the film features an ensemble cast including Nadhiya, Yuthan Balaji, Arun, Hariharan, Irfan, Deepthi Nambiar, and Vikash Suresh. The music was composed by Jassie Gift. The film was released on 27 March 2009 to mixed reviews.
The film is about two groups of four adolescents in Holy Bells School, who are pitted against each other. Their encounters make up the first part.
More details
author | Rohan Krishna Sheeba Rohan |
director | Rohan Krishna |
editor | G. Sasikumar |
genre | drama |
keywords | fight hear irfan love make up mental asylum scold think yuthan balaji |
musicBy | Jassie Gift |
producer | N. Subash Chandrabose |
productionCompany | Thirrupathi Brothers |
publisher | N. Lingusamy |
theme | teen drama |