The Wild Robot
The Wild Robot is a 2024 American animated science fiction adventure film produced by DreamWorks Animation and distributed by Universal Pictures. Based on the 2016 novel of the same name by Peter Brown, it was written for the screen and directed by Chris Sanders and features the voices of Lupita Nyong'o, Pedro Pascal, Kit Connor, Bill Nighy, Stephanie Hsu, Mark Hamill, Catherine O'Hara, Matt Berry, and Ving Rhames. The film follows Roz (Nyong'o), a service robot shipwrecked on an uninhabited island who must adapt to her surroundings, build relationships with the local wildlife, and become the adoptive mother of an orphaned goose, Brightbill (Connor).
A storm causes a Universal Dynamics, Inc. cargo ship to lose six ROZZUM robots, which wash up on an uninhabited forest island. Only ROZZUM Unit 7134, nicknamed "Roz", survives and is accidentally activated by wildlife. Initially, Roz frightens the animals and injures herself while trying to help them. She learns their language but fails to find anyone who needs her services. While signaling for retrieval, Roz is struck by lightning and attacked by animals. While trying to escape from an aggressive grizzly bear, she accidentally destroys a goose nest, killing the parents and all the eggs except for one.
More details
author | Chris Sanders |
director | Chris Sanders |
editor | Mary Blee |
genre | adventure animation science fiction |
keywords | attack bird migration cargo ship falcon fly forest fire fox gosling grizzly bear help kill learn lightning opossum red fox spring trying to escape wild animal winter migration |
musicBy | Kris Bowers |
producer | Jeff Hermann |
publisher | Universal Pictures |
theme | 3d animated coming-of-age science fiction adventure |