Skincare is a 2024 American crime thriller film directed by Austin Peters and starring Elizabeth Banks, Lewis Pullman, Michaela Jaé Rodriguez, Luis Gerardo Méndez, and Nathan Fillion. It was released in the United States by IFC Films on August 16, 2024.
A flash-forward shows a tearful Hope fixing her makeup with police sirens in the distance. Two weeks earlier, Hope is filming a television appearance on The Brett and Kylie Show to announce the upcoming launch of her own skincare line, accompanied by her assistant, Marine.
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author | Austin Peters Deering Regan Sam Freilich |
director | Austin Peters |
editor | Laura Zempel |
genre | crime thriller |
keywords | arrest cancel coach confuse even film follow frame gun shop injured kill learn life coach married open parking lot pepper spray personal ad phone call shop slash struggle text message warn |
musicBy | Fatima Al Qadiri |
producer | Jonathan Schwartz Logan Lerman |
productionCompany | Iervolino & Lady Bacardi Entertainment Jalapeno Goat WWPS.TV |
publisher | IFC Films |