Skincare is a 2024 American thriller film directed by Austin Peters in his feature directorial debut, from a screenplay by Peters, Sam Freilich, and Deering Regan. Starring Elizabeth Banks, Lewis Pullman, Michaela Jaé Rodriguez, Luis Gerardo Méndez, and Nathan Fillion, the film follows Hope Goldman (Banks), a famed Los Angeles aesthetician who suspects Angel Vergara (Méndez), a rival aesthetician who opens a boutique directly across from hers, of stalking and harassing her. With the help of life coach Jordan Weaver (Pullman), the two embark on a quest to uncover the identity of the blackmailer, save her business, and clear her name.
In 2013, Hope Goldman is a famous aesthetician who runs a successful skincare studio in Los Angeles with her assistant and PR agent Marine. After taping a segment on The Brett & Kylie Show to promote the upcoming launch of her skincare line, Hope learns that another skincare clinic will open directly across from hers. Its owner, Angel Vergara, asks her not to park in her usual spot, now for his customers, further irritating her. Hope returns to her studio to work on her regular client Colleen, who introduces Hope to her young friend, Jordan Weaver, a self-proclaimed life coach.
More details
author | Austin Peters Deering Regan Sam Freilich |
director | Austin Peters |
editor | Laura Zempel |
genre | thriller |
keywords | arrest baseball bat claim dub follow gun shop injured kill life coach los angeles married pepper spray personal ad phone call pr public relations record shop slash strike struggle surveillance footage text message warn |
musicBy | Fatima Al Qadiri |
producer | Jonathan Schwartz Logan Lerman |
productionCompany | Iervolino & Lady Bacardi Entertainment Jalapeno Goat WWPS.TV |
publisher | IFC Films |
theme | independent |